A review by amz101
Sin Shot by Raine Miller


Sin Shot is book two in the Vegas Crush series by Brit DeMille and I have read other books by her under her other pen name and LOVED. This series so far has taken me by surprise. I haven't been much of a sports romance fan, it's not a trope that grabs my attention all that much, but every so often I will read a blurb and get intrigued enough to read the books, and this is one of those cases. I loved Crushed (Book 1) and when I had finished it, I was so eager to start this! Raine Miller aka Brit DeMille has always had a way with words. She strings them together to create a hot, steamy and intense romance that you just can't get enough of.

After reading about Pam and Georg, the two main characters in this book in book 1 as secondary characters, I knew I needed to know more about them. I was smitten with them in book one and could read that they had major chemistry together, so when the author announced that they were getting their own book, I was over the moon! I wanted to know how things went down after Pam joined the Crush organization, I wanted to know how they were going to make things work with this no-fraternization rule if they could make it work.

I loved how the author played these characters out. Georg was the party boy, the ladies man, and he never took life too seriously, but when it comes to this one woman, he is willing to change it all, to be the man for her, and Pam is the new team therapist. She's smart, feisty, witty, and a little reserved, she has her own demons that she is fighting and struggling with, she sees herself as broken, and often steps back when it comes to relationships and getting close to anyone. Her childhood and her past played a big factor on why. But Georg sees her for who she truly is, and how incredible she is. She is strong, and she's been through a lot, but she hides it well and even though this thing between her and Georg is something that she normally never let's happen, and goes against everything she believes in, for the first time ever, she can't help but want more, she wants more than a casual root and boot, she wants something deeper with Georg and she was just the girl he needed to tug him back from his partying ways. They bounced off each other perfectly and it was hard not to cheer for them to get a HEA. But will actually get this perfect happy ending? When things start to deepen between the two of them, something keeps getting in their way.

I also loved how well the author wrote the hockey side of it. As I mentioned, I'm not massively into sports romances, but I found myself so hooked on this one. Also mixing in the life outside of the sport... It was fantastic and extremely well written and I can't wait to see where the author takes us next in this series!

5 stars!