A review by christyjoreads
Great at Work: How Top Performers Do Less, Work Better, and Achieve More by Morten T. Hansen


Well, I was okay with this book until he started describing a train-wreck of a patient. He explained all of this patient's extensive health problems then blamed it on the lack of collaboration between doctors and specialists. Absolutely not. More than likely this fellow he described had a lifetime of neglect and destructive habits that led to his poor health. It wouldn't matter how many or how few doctors someone has if the fundamental problem lies in non-compliance and poor decision making. Unfortunately, the author's leap from business success does not translate to the health care industry where people assume medicine is a commodity. Not at all true. He really makes assumptions he was not qualified to make. Yes, as a nurse, we have lots of issues to work on in healthcare, but personal responsibility is that patient's issue not a lack of collaboration on his MD's part. Poor quality healthcare exists, but so do patients who fail to take an active role in their health and just expect us to dole out another pill. If you don't know the cause of the problem, which this author clearly didn't understand healthcare, then don't comment on it. Two thumbs waaaaay down.