A review by kristenbooks
Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill


Edit 8-18-15: I decided to lower my rating on this down to 7.5/10 because I didn't feel like it has made enough of an impact on me to warrant a 4 star rating.

As this is my first graphic novel (Yes, EVER!), I'm not totally sure how to review it. It seems more difficult to figure out my opinions about it, but I'm going to try my hardest to sort out everything.

The beginning of the book was very confusing to me. It was jumping back and forth between scenes and I was having trouble keeping characters straight. I eventually figured it out, but I had to read the first 10ish pages several times just to figure it out (Granted, as previously stated, this is my first graphic novel, so that may be at play here).

As far as the artwork goes, it took me a little while to warm up to it (I expected a style with cleaner lines, and that's not what they were going for, so it took me a little while to get into a different mindset). But, I ended up actually really enjoying it. Bonus points for the full-page artwork at the end of each volume.

The plot itself was super interesting. Once again, I was expecting something a little different. I think I expected it to be a little more paranormal. I mean yes, the villain is paranormal, but I think I was expecting something more "haunted house"-y and that's not what you get with this. It's like I was expecting Paranormal Activity and got Saw. I think that's about as well as I can describe it.

I really enjoyed learning about the keys. That was super cool. And some of the stuff that went down near the end of the volume was just WHOA. There were some pretty awesome plot twists. Just whoa.
