A review by baronessekat
My Dad Wrote a Porno: The fully annotated edition of Rocky Flintstone's Belinda Blinked by Jamie Morton, James Cooper, Alice Levine, Rocky Flintstone


For the actual story/writing/lack of punctuation = 1 star
For the ongoing commentary through the annotation = 5 stars

Oh my dear sweet ... what the &*(&?!?

I have been a fan of the podcast since Season One. The premise: Jamie's retired father asked him to read over a story he self-published called "Belinda Blinked". Little did Jamie realize that the story was a work of atrocious erotica that just barely avoids the "PWP" (Plot, What Plot) categorization of erotic literature.

Belinda is the newly hired Director of Sales for Steeles Pots and Pans. And this entire book takes place in maybe the course of a week where she loses her clothes without a second thought, boinking anybody who would stand still (or not she's not picky).

Not only is the premise horrible, but Rocky Flintstone (the pseudonym Jamie's father is writing under) has no grasp of proof-reading, editing or human anatomy for that matter. Long, run-on sentences, punctuation that is placed randomly, and sexual acts that are just NOT POSSIBLE.

The only thing that saves it all is the annotations that Jamie and his friends make throughout the entire book. Having listened to 4 seasons of the podcast (each season is a new book in the series) I can tell which of the commenters wrote what notes.

The notes, comments, cultural and linguistic insights that are made throughout the book had me laughing out loud so much that at one point I thought I was going to pull a muscle. There are just some things that you cannot get across in the spoken form because, as Jamie reads the book in the podcast, he natural adds things like periods and commas where they belong. You don't see the semi-colon just hanging out there, backwards elipses for no reason, lack of quotation marks, etc.

In short, had I stumbled upon Belinda Blinked 1, as an e-book, I would not have made it past the title of the first chapter, let along be engrossed enough to be waiting for Chapter 2 of book 5.

If you are a fan of the podcast (and if you are not, why not? It's hysterical) you will like this version of book one.