A review by kitvaria_sarene
The Traitor God by Cameron Johnston


3,5 Stars

I especially enjoyed the main character who is not a good guy, but also not actually evil. I clicked with him very early on and loved his character development over the course of the story!
The side characters were also interesting and well enough fleshed out to stand in their own and not feel like cardboard cutouts as a backdrop.

Some parts of the books felt a bit stretched out to me and could have been a bit tighter.
The violence and fighting especially sometimes felt like a very over the top Hollywood horror movie and instead of taking me to the edge of my seat I was instead smirking a bit.
I think the "monsters" were just too big and too powerful, so the people had to be even more over the top powerful and it spiralled a bit out of control from there.

Aside from that one major annoyance I really enjoyed the book and all the little and big twists and turns it took! A cool world and intriguing plot will make me pick up the second one too!