A review by nodressrehearsals
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs


The good:
  • this book is quick (it's less than 300 pages and they move pretty fast)
  • the writing is descriptive enough without being overdone
  • Mercy (the main character, a woman) is pretty competent and independent. 

The middles:
  • Before I started reading it, I was under the impression that there would be way more sexy in it than there was. There wasn't any. a couple of kisses - maybe (was there even?). So if you're expecting any romance or sex, it doesn't happen.
  • There's a lot of worldbuilding for a world that's not that complicated or that different from reality or from any other supernatural story you know. I found it a bit dull at times. And it may have felt like A LOT more than there really was just because the whole book is short.
  • All the men are quite obviously (to everyone except Mercy) totally smitten with Mercy. While I would usually put this in "the bad" instead of "the middle," Mercy wasn't some helpless lovestruck idiot so I'm almost willing to overlook this.

The bad:
  • Besides Mercy, there aren't really any women of note or substance in the book.
  • A lot of the men are "dominating" (which really means they're sexist assholes but are given a free pass for "reasons" like being werewolves, or vampires, or cause it's raining (that last one didn't actually happen))

I intend to read book 2 and see what happens. I think if there's not better representation of women, then I won't continue reading but if another woman of substance (or two) is introduced I might continue reading the series.