A review by northern_mint
Winterfrost by Michelle Houts


What a snoozefest.

The reasoning of why the parents abandon their 12-year-old and one-year-old daughters is totally absurd. I get it's a kid's book but it needn't of been as ridiculous as this. You could have had them only intend to be gone for a couple of hours or day but have a storm prevent them from getting home. The author could have already had the father be away on his trip instead of him deciding to abandon his daughters so as to not offend his crotchety relative.

The first half is an impressive bore as it's all just set up. When the adventure does finally happen it mostly involves walking back and forth between two locations delivering messages. It's not exactly what I would describe as thrilling material.

And the levity is really not there either. A book about well-intentioned mythological little mischief-makers should be hilarious. Alas it isn't hilarious and it isn't adventurous but it is a fine sleep aid for adults or children.