A review by risky_oak
Omega Minor by Paul Verhaeghen

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After finishing the mammoth book [b:The Swarm|9960294|Το σμήνος|Frank Schätzing|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1472306353l/9960294._SY75_.jpg|66048] of 1021 pages, I was confident to start my new month (July 2019) with another big book: Omega Minor.

In 2018 upon finishing the incredible book by Jaume Cabré [b:Confiteor|30043676|Confiteor|Jaume Cabré|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1461771834l/30043676._SY75_.jpg|17492712] in a beautiful edition, in the marketing part at the end of the book I saw another book similar with it:
[b:Omega minor|21845351|Omega minor|Paul Verhaeghen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1504786387l/21845351._SX50_.jpg|1740354] by Flemish author Paul Verhaeghen.

Both books were written in regional European languages (Confiteor in Catalan), (Omega Minor in Flemish).
Both books had to do with the Nazis, Auschwitz, the subject of memory, and Evil in our world.

I thought I was going to read a Flemish Confiteor, but I was wrong.

I read it in this boring English edition, but it was cheaper than the beautiful Greek one, and the translation was by the author himself which was something positive.

But I wasn't connected with the protagonist or any of the characters in this book as I was connected with Confiteor's.

In Confiteor besides Auschwitz, the Nazis, and the subject of memory we were also reading about the evil of Nazis, of Frankists, and of the Evil of the Holy Inquisition. And in addition, a violin's biography.

In Omega Minor we were limited into Nazis, Neonazis, and physics experiments, specifically experiments on atomic bombs, as well as to the memories of a supposed Holocaust survivor.

The writing was not as mellifluous as the one in Confiteor and I got really tired of the mechanised and dry style of the narration. Before reaching the middle part of the book I felt that the reading was a chore, but at l(e)ast I finished it.

If you like reading about the WWII, I recommend Confiteor.
If you have read it, and you LOVE WWII topics than read Omega Minor as well but don't say I didn't warn you.