A review by nannyf
Untamed by S.C. Stephens


Wow wow wow, I absolutely devoured this book. I went to bed to read this book, and before I knew it I had finished it, at 12.40am! I honestly couldn't put it down once I started.

I loved the first three books in this series and couldn't wait to read all about Griffin and Anna.

Griffin is a law unto himself. He doesn't care about anything or anyone other than himself. Actually that's not quite right. He cares about his wife, Anna, and his daughter Gibson, plus the baby on its way. He has his little family all set. But this isn't the only family he has. He also has his musical brothers, the D-Bags.

Griffin should be one of the happiest guys in the world, but he's not. He feels like he is being treated badly by his band members. He has been standing in the background for too long, and he wants his well earned chance at the front of the stage. He doesn't want to be known as the other member of the band any more. He wants his taste of the limelight.

However things don't go as planned when his dreams are shot down by the guys, not wanting to change the layout which is working so well for them. Griffin takes it badly, and let's just say all hell breaks loose from then on.

Griffin makes decisions on the spur of the moment, decisions which mean huge changes for not only him but every member of his family, both near and far.

The lengths he goes to will shock some, but he always stays the same old Griffin, cocky and totally sure of himself. So what happens when he loses something he holds very dear, when he starts becoming unsure of his own decisions, and is left to deal with some pretty harsh truths being thrown at him?

I love how things go when he decides to make up for his past mistakes. The story takes a brilliant turn which totally turns everything I thought I knew about Griffin on its head.

Brilliantly written, great characterisation and a perfect story to add to the series.