A review by sathyadgs95
The Bane Chronicles, by Cassandra Clare


The enigmatic and flamboyant warlock, Magnus Bane. He has lived for a long time and he has grazed his presence in both The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices series in big ways. He can also be found in the margins of The Shadowhunter's Codex with his cool eccentricity. Suffice it to say his alluring personality and sharp wit always sets us intrigued and then as you would have it, authors Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson and Sarah Rees Brennan put up 11 short stories about various instances and moments of his life.

First released as separate ebooks and later published in this anthology titled The Bane Chronicles with Godfrey Gao (who played Bane in the Mortal Instruments movie) on the cover. i actually waited to finish City of Heavenly Fire, the last TMI book before taking this up and that had been the best decision I made because I've had the time of my life reading this book.

Laughter, sadness, conflict, giddiness, the sense of the bitter sweet. Magnus' story brought so much out of us. Be it in Peru, England or New York, Magus' history brings out a sense of awe in us readers and fans of this fictional world. There were some favorites among the 11 and some were less but really, I have never laughed so much as I did while reading about the colorful life he led. Magnus is my favorite character and always will be. People forget the life of a warlock isn't easy, and Magnus has lived for centuries.

My favorite moments were definitely with his fellow warlock friends Ragnor Fell and Catarina Loss, Santiago (vampire) and his first date with Alec. Great job ladies.