A review by kalypsowolf
Grimoire Noir by Vera Greentea


Ok but can we talk about this art?? It's so pretty while still having that dark atmosphere that this story needs and the character designs are absolutely gorgeous. 

When it comes to graphic novels that are trying to tell a complete story and not just a character arc or an experience, I usually prefer them to be series. I wouldn't say that is the case with this one though. I didn't mind the fast pace that comes along with standalone graphic novels in this one and I actually felt like it served the story really well. I do think it probably could've been a few pages longer, mainly because I think it would have been a benefit to add more hints as to who the true culprit was and to flesh out little bits of the story better, but that's just me. Mostly I was just sad there wasn't more pretty art for me to look at. 

While this was a fun little read and I enjoyed myself, I think I just generally prefer when graphic novels can get a strong emotional response from me and this didn't do that. I also don't think that was really the purpose of this though. I think this was more of a cool idea that they decided to turn into a pseudo detective story and that's all it really needed to be. It wrapped up well, had a satisfying ending and had moments that could have emotional weight to someone who really relates to those struggles, but that wasn't me and that's ok. Still had a great time.