A review by stylessantosh
Idea Man by Paul Allen


What I got out of the book:

-The factors during his childhood that led to his intelligence, curiosity, and passion.

-The fascinating history of the development of Microsoft, and the best firsthand account possible of Bill Gates. Paul Allen is a pretty relatable guy, so it's very interesting to read about Gates from his point of view.

-His projects and investments after Microsoft. He goes into detail about the setup and execution of several projects, many of which have resulted in some of the most biggest scientific developments in Modern history.

Overall I had a great time reading this book. I noticed it came out in 2011 which is the year Steve Jobs passed away, and also when his book came out, so it might have been overshadowed a little.

The book may not be for everyone. In the first half, he can get quite technical about computer stuff which may bore people who are not into that stuff. I would recommend this book to those who have a strong passion for technology and technological history. However, other parts of the book, particularly the development of Microsoft and his insight into Bill Gates, would still be very fascinating for a larger audience.