A review by ksd1441
Inuyasha, Vol. 1 by Rumiko Takahashi


Back in high school, my friend and I watched Inuyasha religiously. We would plan entire weekends to binge watch the newest DVDs, staying up into the wee hours of the morning. I bought plushes and action figures; I did my best to draw fanart (and yes, some was sadly posted online). Said friend cosplalyed as Yura of the Hair for Grand Rapids' JAFAX convention one summer (I went with her, of course, but had problems putting together my Kagome costume). We freakin' painted our nails to look like the tips were bloodied. We drew black holes in the palms of our right hands for a Wind Tunnel. We were Inuyasha fangirls before the term 'fangirl' was really a thing. That said, during that time, I only read the first 3 volumes of manga.
It is finally time to rectify that.
I know the story line and I know the awesome characters, but reading the manga "for the first time" brings all the hype back into my giddy fangirl heart. I love everything about this story. I could go on and on about the little things, but what anybody needs to know if they're considering starting this series is this: Rumiko Takahashi is one of the best storytellers ever. She knows how to build relationships and sprinkle them with just the right amount of drama, softness and cruelty. She knows exactly where to put that glimmer of hope. She knows how to make you feel for everybody and every thing. And don't get me started on her world building. THE WORLD BUILDING! The little things on the surface work so well because they float on an incredibly deep sea of a concrete system. Any successful fantasy has to have a strong foundation and a base for its reasoning. Takahashi rules. As an added bonus, her art style is incredibly unique and amazing.
That is all. I am extremely looking forward to omnibus-ing my way through one of my favorite stories.