A review by ubalstecha
Born to Rock, by Gordon Korman


Leo has it all planned out. He will go to Harvard on a scholarship and continue his membership in the Republicans. That is until he is accused of cheating on a test by a vengeful principal. This one act unleashes Leo's inner McMurphy, the part of him that makes bad choices. Before his mother knows what's happening, Leo is working as a roadie for King Maggot, lead singer of the band Purge. Maggot is unaware that he is also Leo's birth father, but Leo hopes that he will grow closer to Maggot and get his university paid for. The summer is a learning experience for both men, but Leo is not as prepared for the truth as he thinks he is.

Fun book from perennial favourite Korman, with a twist you don't see coming. There are plenty of rich characters and memorable scenes to keep the average Intermediate/Senior student interested. Good stuff.