A review by jenny_king
Part Of The Furniture by Mary Wesley


So this is a book that is a favourite of my mums, and she has been harping on and on at me to read it for months! I really didn’t know much going in, and I deliberately didn’t look at the back of the book as I just wanted to get started. I had not read anything else by the author, although I have seen an adaptation of Chamomile Lawn at some point, and this book definitely had the same feel. When reading it I did look back at the year the book was published and was actually surprised to find it was only released in 1998 as the overall feeling of the book is like a historical novel written in that time period.

The book is essentially a coming of age story, of a young and immature girl who was not particularly well liked by her mother or neighbours, but was simply part of the furniture. However she is desperately in love with 2 older boys and on their way to join the war she accompanies them to London where they proceed to seduce her (possible non-consensual but does not go into detail). After leaving her in the middle of the evening during the Blitz she stumbles across a very ill man and the rest of her story begins. She eventually finds her way to a place where she can feel useful and where she is also loved and cherished by the people she is with.

The story is very heartwarming but with dark undertones. Despite the fact that this is set during WWII it is rather something on the periphery, and not particularly in your face. There are definitely scenes of humour (animals named for ex-lovers, discussions about sex and pregnancy) but overall I did really quite enjoy the book. Now I just need to go and get the others from my mother!