A review by melissasfandomworld
All We Want by J. Daniels



a beautiful addition to the series in general and a heart wrenching, sometimes really saddening but beautiful homage to one of my fave couples in this series; Luke & Tessa.

Seeing them living through their own nightmares and working towards a HEA was intense and emotional, especially considering I'm living a lot of it myself as well at the moment. This story hits close to home which is probably why I've been an emotional mess right from the start. But I couldn't just not read, you know? I mean, it's a book about Luke & Tessa! These characters are so preciousssss...

SpoilerAnd Max... I was NOT prepared for this. I mean, I was already an emotional basket case because of the storyline in general and then Daniels added this as well; I'm broken beyond repair.

And of course, there's not only Luke & Tessa. The whole gang makes reappearances and I couldn't be happier about it since I missed all of them a lot and they are just awesome! And Nolan in particular has to be mentioned I think: This kiddo soooo frigging cute. I can't even with this kid; He gets even more cute with every new book! I cannot wait to see him again in the next Bama book - and hopefully get his own book when he's all grown up *swoooon.

This book broke my heart at first and it was so sad at times but it gives you hope & all the feels as well. I laughed, I cried, I broke apart, I was put back together again and enjoyed every single second spend reading this book, even though it was so intense and emotional to me because of this particular story-line. To every Alabama Summer reader out there; this book is nothing short of amazing! We finally got what we were asking for and J. Daniels couldn't have written a more powerful follow-up book on this amazing power couple.

If you aren't familiar yet with these books and characters; pleaaaase go check out Where I Belong, the first book in the series and get hooked. You won't regret it for a second, I promise! J. Daniels has real talent when it comes to writing beautiful romance stories filled with just enough angst, amazing characters and just really great writing. Her writing has me always hooked right from the start and it never lets go. It has you feeling so much while reading the book and you continues thinking and feeling about these characters long after you finished reading. GO READ THE BOOKS <3