A review by meezcarrie
A Woman Overwhelmed: Finding God in the Messes of Life by Hayley DiMarco


“A woman overwhelmed”. Yep. Right now that’s me.

This book by Hayley DiMarco landed in my lap at just the right time. One look at all the page flags I’ve got sticking out of my copy should tell you as much.

Two weeks ago when I first read this book, one of the things that most caught my attention was this sentence in Chapter 23:

Can I trust God with my schedule and be willing to miss out on something I wanted to do?

I needed to read it again today too. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the good things we want to do. Blog posts. Reviews. Interviews. Articles. Speaking engagements. Family time. Vacation. Me time. Reading. Watching TV. And then there’s all the stuff we “have” to do. Sometimes those two categories overlap – and we actually want to do the things we have to do. But often we just get overwhelmed, don’t we? Trusting God with our schedules is hard for a lot of us. Maybe even more difficult than trusting Him with ‘hard stuff’ like prayer needs, finances, illness? I think we even feel like our schedule is the one thing we DO control, which is why it’s so hard to trust God with our to-do lists and calendars.

Speaking of to-do lists, the next chapter stepped on my toes a lot too. The only thing on God’s to-do-through-me list is love. I’m the one who clutters it up. And, as the author says so beautifully, “if you keep God’s mission (love) as your goal for the rest of your life, you will find yourself less overwhelmed by life and more overwhelmed by your God.”

Bottom Line: A Woman Overwhelmed by Hayley DiMarco needs to be on every woman’s to-read list! With hilarious chapter headings (‘The World Can’t Handle My Ninja’, ‘My Face Just Won’t Shut Up’, I’m Like the Fat in a Cheese Stick’) and an engaging & witty writing voice, DiMarco speaks to the heart of a woman and refreshes the soul. Each chapter’s ‘Thoughts to Ponder’ help the author’s personal insights become personal to the reader as well and would make great starting points for a small group discussion.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)