A review by kidisitor
Dirty Sexy Player by Laurelin Paige


Another hot and steamy story in the King-Kincaid saga. Warning: This does end with a cliffhanger. This book features Weston King and Elizabeth Dyson. (Both have roles in the Filthy Rich Boys series... his more predominate than hers.) The timeline overlaps that series as well, so if you are familiar with those books, you'll see some of the same scenes, just from a different person's perspective. Though you do not need to read those to follow this book.

This is a fake fiance' story. She needs to be married to claim ownership of her deceased father's company. So she is offered a husband in exchange for a portion of the company once she gains ownership. Everything is fake, for show only, until it isn't. There are a couple unexpected twists, at the end, of course, leaving us with the cliffhanger.

The story is very sexy and passion filled. Plenty of sexual tension between the characters. It is a more serious read. Not dark, but heavier. The characters are smart and strong, though emotionally vulnerable. Definitely meant for mature readers.

*I volunteered to review an ARC of this book.