A review by thesassybookworm
Dirty Rich Cinderella Story by Lisa Renee Jones




description~WRITING - PLOT - PACE~
Honestly, I have been in a bit of a "blah" mood with books lately. Maybe not blah, but I seem to be extra picky lately and I am finding that the littlest of things have been annoying me. So I wasn't all that gung-ho to read this one. Especially not with the whole "ONS...heroine runs...they meet up again months later" setup. That usually means one or both end up having sex with other people in the interim. But...SURPRISE...I ended up enjoying this one quite a lot.

It was well written. The pace was OK. One of my issues was that I found the beginning a little slow. It felt like the whole ONS thing (and the aftermath) was dragged out a bit too long when all I wanted was to get to the reunited part of the book. It literally takes 30% of the book to get to that point. I felt like the author could have condensed that 30% a bit and had these two back together sooner. That said, the plot was still engaging enough (especially after the 30% mark) that I never felt the need to skim. I wouldn't say this one had as much suspense as the previous book. There is some court case stuff, but this couple's "relationship" is more the focus. Last, it was all wrapped up in an OK happy for now ending.

COLE...Cole I LOVED. He was really the star of this book. He was hot. He was alpha. He wasn't a manwhore. He was sweet. He was an excellent lawyer. He had the patience of a saint with Lori

LORI...Lori was the second issue I had with this one. I just didn't like her...AT ALL. I am starting to see a pattern when it comes to this author's books and heroines, mostly, I never love them. Again we have an annoying heroine that would rather cut her nose off to spite her face instead of accepting help. She was judgy towards Cole because he had money. I mean the whole not wanting him to see her apartment was so juvenile. She was quick to jump to conclusions about OW. I really don't have anything positive to say about her. She had a shitty attitude that continued for 90% of the book.


This one had a few excellent secondary characters. Cat and Reese are in it a bit. Some of the Walker brothers, and a few new faces. All of them added some good extra depth to the story.

Lowish. surprisingly, I didn't find this one all that spicy. There were (maybe) three or four sex scenes that were suitably hot. Not much in the way of kink, which surprised me after the spanking during the ONS. 

Medium. Most of the angst came from the heroine and her annoying attitude and need to push the hero away. Neither were virgins. Neither slept with other people during their separation. There wasn't really any OW or OM drama per se. There was a little scene with her ex and the heroine sees a woman approach the hero at a bar and sit down next to him. Of course, she thinks the worst (roll eyes). Same for later in the book when she AGAIN jumps to conclusions. Lord this heroine annoyed me (lol).

I enjoyed it for the most part. I really do enjoy this author's writing and her heroes. Her heroines...not so much. Hence why this is rated 4-Stars and not higher. I also thought the beginning was stretched out a bit too much. Both main characters spend a lot of time apart during it and I just felt like the author could have tightened up the plot a bit. That said, a lot of people will love this one (as they should). It will be "safe" for the uber picky peeps (to which I seem to be lately). Therefore yours truly is going to give this one two thumbs up.description 

