A review by bethanie22
Specials by Scott Westerfeld


Well, I finished it... I could have lived my life not ever had read it but also don't hate that I did. I don't plan on reading extras, didn't love the world enough. I love the way Tally ended up turning Dr.Cable normal, that was a great way to destroy her control and allow the regime to fall. Slowly, over a month, it was genius. I figured Zane would die and she would end up with David, so no big surprise there. I mean its kind of cool that she ended up remaining a special and being a warrior for nature. One of my favorite aspects of this was in uglies she was clear headed, in pretties loving Zane kept her clear-headed, and in Speacials feeling pain kept her clear headed. Life does some weird shit to you and that is one of them right?? Overall it's a take or leave, I'm over the series though.