A review by katrinamarie
Caught Up in the Touch by Laura Trentham


This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & More


I loved going back to Falcon, Alabama in this book.  I adored the first book, and was wondering if Logan would get a HEA.

Logan was a favorite of mine in Slow and Steady Rush.  He's loyal to his family and friends.  I love that he is a down to earth country boy.  He doesn't have a mean bone in his body unless you hurt him.  He has managed to be a successful restaurant owner, and a football coach.  He has a big heart and doesn't want any of his players to go down the same path he went down as a teen.  He also can't stop thinking about Jessica Montgomery, the daughter of the man who's trying to buy him out.

Jessica is a woman who's always been bossed around by her father.  She does whatever he says because she wants the promotion for CFO.  She even deals with all of his insults.  And let me tell you, he throws some doozies out there.  She learns how to be her own person away from her father while trying to get Logan to sign the contract.  I love the person she is wen not influenced by the things her father says.

The romance is pretty quick, and they fight it quite a bit.  It's so funny watching them interact.  She's from the city and he's country.  How in the world could things possibly work out.  They both have to overcome some obstacles.  And it makes them better people.

I love this series, and I can't wait for the next book.