A review by capa105
Her Perfect Affair by Priscilla Oliveras


This was my first book by Priscilla Oliveras, though I wish I'd read His Perfect Partner, because Yas and Tomas and Maria sounded perfect together and cute as hell. Either way, so this was my first book by the author, and I was encouraged to request it by Lisa, who had read and liked the first book of the series.

I enjoyed quite a few things in this book, such as the story. The story and plot were strong, I really like the friends to lovers vibe going on here, and I liked the connecting between Jeremy and Rosa, and how much his support meant to her, even before the events of this book took place.

Another strong point for me was the importance of family, and their role within this story. I really enjoyed seeing Rosa interact with her sisters, how they supported her, and also brought Jeremy into the family. Same has to be said for Jeremy's family. I was worried for a hot second there, but his mom and dad were amazing and so supportive of him and his decisions.

But I'm rating this book 3 stars, so you know that something was off for me. My major issue was the pacing. I liked Oliveras writing style, but the pacing just didn't quite work for me. It's not a secret that I'm not a fan of the 3rd person POV, but it was more than that. It always felt like the writing took the longest time and route to go from point A to point B. Sometimes, a thought was initiated on a page, and concluded 4 pages later, because the narrator would get lost inside their own head. Sorry, but it just didn't work for me.

My other huge issue is the massive lack of communication between Rosa and Jeremy. While I understood Rosa's fears and her hang ups, she never tried to have an honest conversation with Jeremy. In fact, she started pushing him away right away, and would jump to conclusions without giving him the benefit of a doubt. I felt like Jeremy was never allowed to truly express how he felt, and that led to them dancing around each other and their feelings until the 97% mark. It was a bit infuriating.

While I really liked that this book is "unapologetically Latinx" (like Lisa said), I was not a fan of all the catholic guilt brewing inside of Rosa. I was happy with the development and reactions by other people, but some reactions were just too much for my agnostic brain to take in.

Overall, it was a enjoyable story, that dragged on a little bit too much. I did like the family a lot, and I'll possibly check out the rest of the series.