A review by charshorrorcorner
Devil's Night by Joe Morey, Curtis M. Lawson


Detroit has been a source of income for me, almost all of my adult life. I work with cars every day and I've only owned American cars my whole life, (except for that one time when I bought a Renault, and WOW was that a mistake!) In this collection, Curtis Lawson treats us to different views of the Motor City, from many different walks of life. I found it odd that an author who resides in one of the most historic, (and some believe haunted), towns in Massachusetts, wanted to write about the haunting myths, and legends surrounding Detroit and Michigan, in general, but here we are! (Turns out Salem has nothing on Detroit, nothing at all.)

Many of these tales involved legends I've never heard of, but that didn't detract from my enjoyment at all. Among my favorites were:

TRASH FIRE STORIES involves a group of kids telling tales by a trash can fire, while one of them spray paints his version of the Nain Rouge on a wall. Turns out Nain Rouge is a nasty little hobgoblin that shows up when something bad is about to happen.

D20 is a tale about two brothers trying to take their mind off the horror that is their daily life because their mom is an addict.

NO ONE LEAVES THE BUTCHER SHOP was my second favorite story in this collection. The Pig Lady is one hell of a butcher, or so I gathered.

THROUGH HELL FOR ONE KISS was my favorite tale. It captivated me and then it crushed me. Just...crushed me.

A NIGHT OF ART AND EXCESS. Who doesn't like a penthouse masquerade party?

THE WORK OF THE DEVIL. Here is a tale where everything is leaning one way, but then...it's not.

THE GRAVEYARD OF CHARLES ROBERT SWEDE. Every once in a great while, people get what's coming to them. Swede got his.

THIS CITY NEEDS JESUS. I generally love stories like this one, where I'm not quite sure who the REAL bad guy is. I know who the bad guy is supposed to be, but...is he really?

AN ANGEL IN AMBER LEAVES. A young woman goes from being a bartender to being a body, found by the caretaker.

THE EXORCISM OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Murder or exorcism? You decide!

I've been a fan of Curtis Lawson for many years now and each time I read something from him, I marvel at his skill. He has the ability to pick me up and then drop me off in the scariest of places, only to have me claw my way out and ask for more. Thank you, Mr. Lawson-may I have another?

Highly recommended!

Available from: Weirdhousepress.com

*The author provided an e-copy of this book, in exchange for my honest feedback. This is it!*