A review by lotusblue
Choosing You by Bree Kraemer


I really loved this book. After reading the first two books in the Cedarville series by Bree Kraemer I was definitely hooked on her five star novels. Believe me when I say this did not disappoint. Choosing You works well as a standalone. You will seriously regret not reading the others if you haven't already.
Carly deserves love on so many levels. She has spent years protecting her heart and her father's from the ripples of her mother's bad decisions. Knowing that her mom is self centered only causes her to be more caring towards others. She is through fighting her attraction to Tony. When she finally makes her move her world and her father's is turned upside down when Ryan walks into the dance studio.

Tony or Anthony, as Carly insists on calling him is thrilled that she had finally admitted her attraction to him. He'd like nothing better than to give her what she wants but recent events let him know he'll have to take it slow. All of the extenuating circumstances in her life compel him to take things slowly so she isn't anymore overwhelmed and scared off. He knows she's worth the time and effort. Waiting a while longer while she works her way through things is definitely the right thing to do.

Choosing You explores what happens when two honorable people are willing to take life and love slowly to fix the mistakes caused by two irresponsible people. Just because you can't choose your family doesn’t mean they don't mean everything to you. Five very happy stars for this book. I hope the series continues or at least branches off into another series. There is still a lot of love to go around Cedarville.