A review by fennecsgirl
Deadly by Sara Shepard


How do I even begin with this book...or with the series and how it should have ended a long time ago.


1) How do these girls not know by now to have lawyers *before* involving the police?

2) Lie detector test. Enough said.

3) Everything seems to fall into place for the PLL by the end of the book.

4) I'd have rather seen the girls shipped off. Bet it would make the next book better.

5) Obviously, the answers should be apparent to the PLL. Ali is smarter than they are.

6) How long until the name Noel used to contact Ali is thought about by one of the PLLs?

7) I can't believe I read another one of these, and that I'll keep reading this series because I'm invested and I want to know how it ends.