A review by life_full_ofbooks
Finding Emma by Steena Holmes


I honestly didn’t have very high hopes for this book. While the synopsis sounded interesting, I could tell by the second chapter that it wasn’t going to be as well written as I would have liked.
The book follows a mother who’s youngest daughter was kidnapped on her 3rd birthday. Megan knows her daughter is still alive 2 years later, but with no sightings, everyone close to her tries to get her to face reality.
While the book starts at the kidnapping, it jumps 2 years and evidently a lot happens in those 2 years that we are meant to piece together ourselves through context clues during later chapters.
I found the characters to be more like sketches of what the author wanted and less like real people and there was no character development at all.
I hated that certain parts of the story were completely jumped over and it felt more like the author wrote a basic outline and hit all of the bullet points without delving more into them.
There was very little consistency with some of the supporting characters and I found all of them to be very unlikable. All of that said, I immediately downloaded the sequel from Kindle Unlimited because the book ends so abruptly and I’d like to see what happens next.