A review by cadiva
The Druid Next Door by E.J. Russell


Book two was just as much fun as the opener in this brilliant paranormal/urban fantasy series.

I think I might have just liked it a teeny bit more too because I felt so bad for Mal. His one act of selfless sacrifice had led to not only exile but a debilitating disability and I totally got why he was feeling so sorry for himself.

Bryce, on the other hand, was a riot from the off. Loved his tree-hugging environmentalist nature which, obviously, was a clear indication of his actual status as a lost druid!

The sneaky plotting going on in the Faerie World also worked well for the secondary driver to their romance and I liked seeing David and Alun, as well as the brief appearances from mardy Gareth, and seeing how E.J. was interpreting a lot of Irish mythology.

With the stakes even higher, it's on to book three and the no doubt somewhat complicated reunion of True Bard Gareth and his long lost lover.