A review by jenpaul13
The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut


You never know where your life will take you within the world you know, or those you have yet to know. Kurt Vonnegut's The Sirens of Titan depicts the far-flung life and experiences of one man.

To read this, and other book reviews, visit my website: http://makinggoodstories.wordpress.com/.

Malachi Constant is an incredibly wealthy man who learns his life's rough trajectory after meeting with another wealthy man, Winston Rumfoord, who periodically materializes on different planets with his dog and prophesied Constant's life and its intertwining with that of Mrs. Rumfoord, Beatrice. Traveling from Earth to Mars, partaking in their army, and making his way to Jupiter's moon Titan, Constant, also known as Unk after his Martian days, pieces together parts of his life after having had his mind repeatedly wiped while in the Martian forces.

In a relatively episodic manner that dislodges you just when you get into a comfortable rhythm and think you know what's coming next, the unraveling of Constant's life and the mysteries contained therein are portrayed as distinct entities of a more cohesive whole. Dabbling in matters political, financial, religious, and scientific, the narrative presents, oftentimes outlandish, thoughts and events to foster further contemplation. Using wry humor in situations and dialogue, there is a levity paired with the more solemn topics sprinkled throughout the text, providing a brief reprieve from weighty considerations.

Overall, I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars.