A review by bkauffman
And Then You're Dead: What Really Happens If You Get Swallowed by a Whale, Are Shot from a Cannon, or Go Barreling Over Niagara by Paul Doherty, Cody Cassidy

dark funny informative lighthearted fast-paced


And Then You're Dead provides a quick, easy to read, humorous account of several hypothetical situations that would, ultimately, lead to your death. In this book, Cassidy and Doherty work through scientific explanations of what would happen if you did stupid things, what would happen if you somehow overcame current scientific limits via enhanced technology (such as if you had a suit that could protect you from insane radiation levels and atmospheric pressure from entering Jupiter), and what would happen to your body parts post mortem. While Cassidy and Doherty incorporate science in each of the short chapters, the duo's work becomes quite redundant near the end (there are only so many ways people can die, and so many times you can read, essentially, "huge amount of pressure will collapse all your internal cavities, leading to unconsciousness in 15 seconds and brain death in 4 minutes..." or something similar to that). Ultimately, this was an entertaining read, it takes only a couple minutes to read a chapter (even with how slow I typically read), yet it becomes quite predictable what the authors will say about halfway through each of the latter chapters.