A review by sjj169
Red-Blooded American Male: Photographs by Robert Trachtenberg


My friend Sandra posted a little tease of this book this morning. She posted a pic of Neal Patrick Harris.
In a tub.

I realized I had this book and ran to open the sucker so I could READ it. Yes, I read it. I didn't just look at it "for the pictures."

Actually, this book is freaking beautiful.
Palm Springs commercial photography

Not only that...Trachtenberg writes little snippets of stories that go with the photos.
Like this one...
Palm Springs commercial photography
This was for Rolling Stone's "Hot" issue. It seemed absurd to do anything where we tried to make Rudd look deliberately "hot." His 'hotness' comes effortlessly. He agreed we should mock the whole notion of "hot." He agree to get in the bed. He agree the boxers were getting in the way and dropped them. Months later, he sent me a nice note saying friends had seen the photo on the walls of gay bars across America and he couldn't be more proud.

Mama likey.

Trachtenberg took this one of Nick Offerman and Chelsea Handler:
Palm Springs commercial photography
They had never met before this photo. I'm still haunted by Offerman's final words to me before he dropped his pants. "Please. Be gentle with me."

I want a copy of this book. I don't give a damn that it is forty frigging dollars. It's one that must be held in your hands. It's one that I could completely post every frigging photo and story that goes with it..but that's spoilery. I'll behave. I'm writing the name of this book on a slip and putting it in my husband's wallet right now. I hope it comes wrapped. Because I can tell him it's educational.

Palm Springs commercial photography

I can't find some of the images I wanted to show in this review...so I'm ticked off and I'm going to go look at this book some more.
Palm Springs commercial photography

Booksource: Netgalley and publisher in exchange for review

PS! I totally just got my greedy little hands on a hardcover of this book. It's even more beautiful than I imagined.

Palm Springs commercial photography
Of course, Sandra's review is getting the highlight for this one. She is a total book pusher and pushes books on my innocence all the time. My husband thanks her.