A review by christian_faith_and_fiction
Court of Swans by Melanie Dickerson


This was one of my most anticipated books for this year and to be honest, I had mixed reactions to it.

The book follows Delia whose brothers are accused of treason and taken to the Tower of London to be tried and potentially executed. She has to find a way to get them released.

The overall story and set up for this book was very strong. The concept drew me in and the jeopardy kept me on the edge of my seat. I felt like the plot of this book was one of the strongest that I have seen so far from this author.

I believe this is a young adult novel. The content leads me to suggest that it is aimed at mid to older teens but the style of writing felt like it was aimed at 12/13 year olds. I think this is why I had a mixed reaction to it.

Whilst I loved the dramatic elements and the background story, some of the interactions between the characters, and also the character’s thoughts, felt oversimplified and unnatural. I particularly felt this regarding the romance.

However I will still pick up the next book to see how this series progresses.