A review by briarsreviews
For Her Own Good, by Tamsen Parker


Oh man, oh man, oh man! Another Tamsen Parker gem!!

This book is a 6 out of 5, but unfortunately that rating does not exist on this site so I guess I can settle with just a 5 out of 5.

Seriously though, this one was a DOOZIE!

Tamsen has amped up the plot, has some truly epic references and kept me hooked the entire time! Starla and Lowry (amazing names, by the way) are one incredibly interesting pair that make this book feel more than just a romantic, erotic tale. These characters felt real - mental health issues, sweet and seductive storylines and one heck of a finale! This book is just AMAZE-BALLS.

So, down to the actual plot - Starla was Dr. Lowry Campbell's patient way back in the day (about 15 years if you are a numbers person) and suddenly he's back into her life. Except, this time he's not her doctor and is instead a sexy man she's interested in. She liked him back then, but now the lines are blurred and it's their chance to pounce at each other. Their romance is slow burn and faces many obstacles along the way. Starla has some mental health issues but deals with them like a champ. Lowry is an understanding man who is hella sexy and ready to be in her life.

If I have to summarize ALL of the amazing things I liked, here's a list to start you off:

1. Lowry's descriptions and accents and OMG Tamsen seriously made this man my dream man. She's killing me! Reddish copper hair, smart doctor and the European twang... Ugh. SO SEXY.

2. This story has such a way with words - "Tongue like a whip" - seriously majestic. I loved some of the amazing phrases used because they added SO MUCH to this book. It felt like this book had attitude and was sassy at times. Example number two: "He deserves to have his heart cut out with a rusty spoon and fed to him."

3. Star Wars references galore! "My enemies encased in carbonate" was the best gem, but there's SO MANY.

4. "Daddy kink kryptonite" is the best way to describe this novel AND that's a quote from the book!

5. Oh, and did I mention there's a dominatrix? Oh yeah, this book is SPICY.

This slow burn novel is ridiculously amazing. Tamsen's writing is only getting better and this book was seriously cool. Not all readers will like it - it takes about half the novel for the couple to get dealing with their romantic emotions - so readers who like quick, fast-paced romance might want to steer clear. There's also talks of self-harm and suicide, so this book might be a little triggering for some.

Overall, I think this book is incredible! As I said, 6 out of 5 stars level good! I liked that Tamsen keeps taking risks with these stories. They are different, totally romantic and erotic and well written! What more can this reader ask for?

Five out of five stars!

I received this book for free from Tamsen Parker in exchange for an honest review.