A review by jasonswrench
Skythane by J. Scott Coatsworth


I want to thank J. Scott Coatsworth for the opportunity to read the newly re-released version of Skythane (The Oberon Cycle, #1). Although I am thankful for the opportunity to read this book for free, my review has not been impacted by this generosity.

Jameson Havercamp showed up on Oberon to investigate a drug shortage for OberCorp. Jameson isn't exactly sure why he received this duty as a psych (basically a psychologist). His counterpart on the ground is a man named Xander Kinnson who is a native of Oberon. Of course, it's easy to tell he's a native of Oberon because of Xander's black wings. The first generation of humans to inhabit Oberon had altered their genetics to grow wings because of the planet's climate. Of course, the second generation of "landers" are not as keen as the first generation. So, right from the beginning, the book is dealing with some interesting class issues.

Jameson comes from a Christianist planet, which basically is highly religious and Puritanical in their approach to life and is ready to get home and get married. What he didn't expect was his immense attraction to Xander.

Of course, as with most stories, there is a lot more going on underneath the surface and you quickly realize that the collision of Jameson and Xander's worlds is not by accident. In fact, their future has been dictated for more than 25 years, unbeknownst to either of them.

Overall, I found this book really fun. I ended up getting the second book in the series just to see where this series takes us.