A review by laurapatriciarose
Christmas at Thornton Hall by Lynn Marie Hulsman


First off what a lovely cover! It's all so Christmassy and instantly made me want to read it. And I was not disappointed.

Juliet is looking forward to a nice relaxing Christmas with her fiancé Ben, but these plans get scuppered when Juliet finds a jewel encrusted thong in Ben's apartment. Juliet then finds herself making the quick decision to take on a job preparing a Christmas feast at Thornton Hall. Juliet is determined that men are completely off the menu, but that is until sparks begin to fly with the resident chef Edward, but is there also something going on with her boss Jasper?

This was so easy to get into. I love Lynn's writing style and I liked Juliet from the start. I like that we got a little more insight to Juliet's character with her inner thoughts and musings she would share with the reader. I think that's part of the reason that I liked her so much.

I absolutely adored Thornton Hall, it was the perfect setting for a Christmas read and I literally whizzed through it. I loved the colourfulness of all the characters and it had me feeling all warm and christmassy.

A definite Christmas read that should be on everyone's list.