A review by mehsi
Sin Shot by Raine Miller


I received this sexy book for a Blog Tour. My opinions are my own and not influenced because I got this book for free.

I was just absolutely delighted when I got the chance to read this book, I haven't read Vegas Crush #1 yet, but after this one? I am sure will see if I can get it for my Kindle very soon. I want to read how Holly and Evan got together.

In this book our MCs are Georg, a sexy defensive line guy with tons of muscle, and Pam, a sweet girl with a dark past who works at Crush as a physical therapist (yep, she gets to massage and touch tons of hot dudes). These two apparently already met in the previous book we get quite a few reminders of that through the book. On the one hand I was happy that we got those reminders as it gave me a better view on the characters, on the other hand it made me feel like I missed something/missed out. Which is another reason why I want to read book 1.
Georg is a tough guy but I loved him from the start. Yes, I wasn't approving of his drinking, but he shows great promise from the start and I was cheering for him to improve several things in his life. He wants to eat better, drink less (or not at all), exercise more. And sure, it doesn't always go well as he tends to go to the bottle if things go wrong, but I could see he was trying. I loved reading about him playing on the ice/field and see how he fought hard for his team. Defending, being a duo with Evan, then there was Victor and how that all ended. And I am normally not a fan of hockey or any sports. But in this one I was eagerly waiting for the matches to happen.
Pamela is a sweet girl who has her first job and it is at Crush! She massages the guys, helps them out with physical therapy, makes plans for them if they are injured or need more help. She is a great addition.
Learning of her past, oh boy. Normally I wouldn't read a book featuring that, but I didn't know, and luckily it is only mentioned very little, and I could skip most of it. I just can't read books featuring that. I feel very uncomfortable reading it, not sure how to otherwise explain it. Hope it makes sense.

I was a bit frustrated with their romance though, at least in the beginning. They both wanted the other but they kept going on and on how the other wouldn't be interested or talk about the job and how that may get in the way (which I can understand but still argh) or talk how the other would have gone for it if they really wanted them. I was just shaking my Kindle and telling these two to just go for it. That they are both thinking it and that they want each other equally.
But the romance picks up eventually and WOW those sex scenes are steamy and graphic. I am still not entirely feeling comfortable reading them (mostly to do with that it is something so intimate and I feel like a voyeur reading about these things), but I am getting more and more used to it and I feel less embarrassed reading them.
I loved how Georg acted when he learned of Pamela's virginity, how he took his sweet time, waited until she was really ready (which didn't take too long, but that may have been just a feeling we do know that time passes). He was truly sweet and respected her wishes and also made sure that she was comfortable the entire time.

Of course, as I had expected though it was something totally different from what I had expected, things go dramatic and I was just groaning in frustration. However, I could also understand why Pamela did what she did. Why she decided on that. It made me happy to see things go back to OK and all she did for Georg. Holy, that is just so sweet. I was in tears during that one big moment and then later on some more.

I was delighted with the epilogue and can I just say I am happy with that the author didn't end it on that note.
While it would be nice, it just wouldn't fit, in my opinion. Too soon, too fast.

Of course I also loved Holly and Evan and reading about them, seeing them be freaking adorable together. Their cute little baby and Holly carried that little one around so she could work. Aww!

All in all, I had so much fun reading this one. It was cute, swoony, sexy, and oh my so hot at times. Recommended to all!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/