A review by shelleyrae
Elysian Fields by Suzanne Johnson


I enjoyed the debut of Suzanne Johnson's Sentinels of New Orleans series, [b:Royal Street|12009478|Royal Street (Sentinels of New Orleans, #1)|Suzanne Johnson|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1314132668s/12009478.jpg|16974328] and made sure I picked up the second book, [b:River Road|13539162|River Road (Sentinels of New Orleans, #2)|Suzanne Johnson|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1350960175s/13539162.jpg|19122632] shortly after it was released. Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to read it before the review for this third installment, Elysian Fields was due, luckily though the gap didn't seem to matter much.

Elysian Fields opens with DJ and Jake attending a bloody crime scene, the most recent of a string of homicides linked by an axe left at the scene. The police think the murders are being committed by a copycat but DJ suspects they are dealing with a Historical Undead, an axe wielding serial killer who has crossed over from the Beyond. Tracking down the Axeman becomes easier when he turns his murderous attention to DJ but capturing the Undead figure becomes far more complicated when she learns he is being controlled by a Necromancer. Trying to figure out who wants her dead, while under the threat of turning furry at the next full moon and being forced to take lessons in elven magic from the wizard she holds responsible for Tish's death has DJ reeling.

It's a busy plot combining preternatural political intrigue, murder, betrayal, strained friendships and romance, but Johnson handles it well.

I really like DJ, despite her propensity for chaos. Mostly she isn't at fault, as a New Orleans Sentinel, and a Green Wizard with Elven ancestry, trouble seems determined to find her. DJ is smart, resourceful and willing to throw herself into the breach to protect those she cares about.

The setting of this series, in post-hurricane New Orleans and Johnson's unique mythology is a huge part of the attraction for me. I like the way in which the author mixes wizards, vamps, elves, shifters and the Historical Undead like Louis Armstrong and of course the notorious pirate, Jean Lafitte.

Fast paced and action packed Elysian Fields is an entertaining urban fantasy adventure with great combination of interesting story and appealing characters. I am looking forward to the next one (and promise to get Rive Road read before then!)