A review by in_libris_speramus
Izombie Vol. 1: Dead to the World by Chris Roberson


It would be really neat if people would stop calling Gwen the "hot zombie" or "sexy zombie". I get it, a girl zombie is like, a really big deal. And male comics readers outnumber female comics readers, so we're clearly going to get a bunch of the male gaze bullshit over a damned dead girl, but ew. Ew. EW.

Anyway, I've had this graphic novel for some time and finally got around to reading it. Haven't watched the TV show, not sure exactly when I got this graphic novel (possibly it was passed on to me by a friend?), but I'm trying to read through the mass quantities of miscellaneous graphic novels I have and this was short enough for my post-graveyard (hah) shift brain to stick with the whole thing in one shot.

All these words and no real review. Hmm. Well, I liked it. I'm not inspired to watch the TV show, but if I come across a copy of volume 2 in my travels, I might consider picking it up. It's refreshing to have a female protagonist in an otherwise dude-dominated comic genre. It's also nice to have a non-Walking Dead zombie comic. iZombie has sort of a Scooby-Doo meets Buffy and the Scooby Gang (hah, again) vibe to it. You've got a weredog, a ghost, a zombie, a mummy, a bunch of vampires, a few budding mysteries to solve, and some monster hunters that are probably going to crash all of the parties at some point. I kept expecting Ellie to say "jinkies", I'm pretty sure the Mystery Machine is lurking in the shadows, and at some point Gwen is totally going to hook up with the cute monster hunter and throw both of them into some crisis-lite version of Buffy and Angel. Oh, and the mummy has a snow leopard or panther or similar giant cat for a pet. Cats are always a great addition.

I have also just realized, about 15 years late, that Sarah Michelle Gellar's career is quite Scooby-tastic.