A review by mdaalder
The Muslims Are Coming!: Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror by Arun Kundnani


In "The Muslims are Coming!", Arun Kundnani dispels with liberal and conservative notions alike regarding the origins of terrorism and instead advances a compelling (and classical leftist) theory: that "Islamic" terrorism is a result of Western foreign policy and domestic repression of Muslim politics. The book is focused on the United States and the United Kingdom and the first part deals with the methods these governments use to dampen Muslim political expression. From surveillance and the UK's Channel project to FBI sting operations, the totality of the West's horrifying anti-Muslim repression is laid bare (briefly) by Kundnani.

The core of the book focuses on dismantling the "radicalization" narrative. Kundnani examines the notion adopted by liberals in the late 2000's that the radicalization of domestic terrorists is a psychoideological phenomenon, and concludes that it is instead rooted in politics and class. This banishes classic theories that underlie the conduct of the War on Terror, and is the most important and interesting part of the book, by far.

In his conclusion, Kundnani reconciles these two ideas, synthesizing the prosecution of the domestic war on terror with the failed radicalization narrative to provide a holistic view of this war. Definitely recommended!