A review by snazzybooks
One Small Act of Kindness by Lucy Dillon


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One Small Act of Kindness strikes just the right balance: sweet without being too cloying, touching without being overly sentimental story, and featuring some really likeable characters who I'd happily read more about.

The narrative features some of the typical elements of this genre, yes, with romances and budding romances (I saw some parts coming a mile off, but again I feel that's just something that comes with the territory and I didn't mind this) but importantly it manages to avoid being overly cheesy or ridiculous. The plot is believable and has some more serious parts, but also plenty of light-heartedness mixed in there. It's well written, sweet and with a plot that moves along at just the right pace whilst still providing plenty of character development.

Without giving too much away, main character Libby seemed really lovely and a bit of a saint with what she's had to put up with, whilst Alice is suffering from memory loss and can't remember the person she was before the accident, but is equally likable as she tries to piece together the parts of her life from 'before'. Other characters enter the scene and either really charmed me (human or non-human - I loved Sir Bob) or made me want to throw things at them (but, either way, equally well written by Lucy Dillon), and made me want to continue reading on (or, in this case with the audiobook, listening on).

I enjoyed trying to piece together Alice's memories as the novel went on, and felt the amnesia part of the story was convincing (well-researched, I assume) and intriguing. I finished One Small Act of Kindness feeling satisfied and uplifted

The audiobook was well read, with a great narrator (though the Welsh accent was quite amusing; I'm not sure why seeing as I'm awful at 'doing' accents myself) and it's an ideal story to be enjoyed on audiobook. Some books, I feel, really work in audio format and some just don't, and often in that case I abandon them early on - this was really enjoyable!

The only other book I've read by Lucy Dillon (so far) is All I Ever Wanted, and I was really taken by that too [read my review here], so I think I can safely say Lucy Dillon is a winning writer for me in the 'chick-lit/ romance/ women's fiction' genres; I'll certainly be reading more by her in the future.