A review by cari1268
Invisibility by Andrea Cremer


This book was more of a miss for me. I loved the concept and the beginning intrigued me. Once Elizabeth figured out that Stephen was invisible, my interest started tapering off.

Part of the problem was that the characters were dull. Elizabeth was plain out unpleasant the last half of the book. The remaining cast of characters weren't very fleshed out. Although, I did like Elizabeth's brother, Laurie.

The romance was intense for a teenage relationship. There was a lot more telling than showing with a mix of instalove. The characters were supposedly "in love" enough to die for one another but I never believed it.

The story itself failed to truly captivate me. I was disappointed the authors decided to focus on Elizabeth's abilities instead of Stephen's invisibility. The "magic" parts also felt very undeveloped with lots of unanswered questions.

The ending didn't feel much like an ending. There were enough unanswered questions that I actually wondered if there was going to be a second book.
Spoileri.e. Is Stephen still dying then? Is he EVER going to find out that he's potentially dying?

I put this book on hold at the library and didn't realize David Levithan was one of the authors. I did not finish Every Day and was nervous about what ideas/life philosophies Levithan would push in Invisibility. However, it was pretty tame. There was only one time when I cringed due to some political smearing.
Spoiler Elizabeth's dad blamed his teenage son for getting beat up for being gay. Then the Dad abandoned him.

Elizabeth explained it this way (page 69), "My dad's family is conservative, but he always claimed to be the liberal of the bunch... But I guess his liberalism only stretched so far before it broke."

If the author would have mentioned a dad with conservative views who unfairly blamed and abandoned his son, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with that because it could happen... Not likely to happen, but it could. However, acting like ALL conservatives would act the way the father acted and only liberals would behave tolerantly, was just plain ignorant. Way to demonize an entire group.

Overall, I liked the concept of this book and enjoyed the first few chapters. The writing wasn't bad and I finished the book quickly. Boring characters and shaky world building prevented me from giving this book higher than 2 stars.

2 Stars.