A review by theestherhadassah
Soul Finder by Jacinta Maree


DISCLAIMER: I received a copy of this book (as well as the first book) in exchange for honest review.

I say this often: I don't know how many heart attacks I can take! After becoming addicted to the first book, I surged through this one without cease. This book picks up where the last book left off on a cliffhanger. LITERALLY.

Diesel is as bad-ass as ever, but we are not in his head, we are still in Nadia's. Being the prophesied Soulless, Nadia is pretty much running for her life. Diesel is hunting her. Talk about "trusting your heart over you head".

I mentioned this in my Goodreads review for the previous book, that you can say this book is very similar to the Tom Cruise movie, Minority Report, with a mixture of Divergent. Now I am adding The Maze Runner.

I want so badly to have physical copies of this on my shelf. Those covers are so eye-catching, semi-brightly colored, but mysterious. I wonder what the third book's cover will look like . . . Also, I want to know what happens next! I am left with questions that I can't even verbalize!

Sept. 28th