A review by ambersmith1_2
The Keepers' Tattoo by Gill Arbuthnott


**Spoilers** The book was really well written. On the edge of your seat kind of book wondering if they were going to survive or not. You never could have guessed what was going to happen next. There were some things that could have been written better, or things that could have been cleared up in the end. Like the magic of the tattooed words. Did they actually do anything or was it really all coincidence like she believed. I laughed so hard when Alaric died the way he did. Not because it was badly written, but because it was hilarious. All those years he hurt Kit and then he just died to a statue. It makes sense with how heavy it was, still just finding it funny that his death was so anticlimactic. You were waiting for something to happen the entire book. Not much happened to them other than running away until the very end of the book. There were good relationships that made it worthwhile to continue reading it anyway. The death was a bit boring but it needed to happen for anyone to be free. Overall I really liked the book.