A review by categal
The Snow Queen by Michael Cunningham


Who is the Snow Queen in Michael Cunningham book? The first answer that pops into my head after finishing this novel is who cares? This was a story without much of a plot, filled with flat characters and some seriously self indulgent writing. It's short, but even so, I found myself just skimming over long, dull paragraphs of blahblahblah, looking for the parts where something actually happens.

We begin with Barrett, whose walking through Central Park and sees a light in the sky - what is this light and what does it mean? Dunno, never find out or end up caring. Then we meet Tyler, Barrett's brother - will he jump off the ledge? I sure hope so, because his idea of being a musician is to take drugs and wait for songs to visit him - yes, this is indeedy the work of the musician. Beth, his wife, is dying. That's all we get from her, then there's Liz, who is exciting because she is most like an actual character you might find in a well written novel. Sigh.

I vote Tyler for Snow Queen based on all the coke he stuffs up his nose.