A review by littlebookterror
Seraph, by Lily Mayne



 Cannot believe this boring story was stretched to fill over 460 pages.

Lilac put it best - this was just random? His feelings for Seraph came out of nowhere and grew at an alarming pace. I did not care for their romance which is a shame since it's the genre. Their dynamic was not for me and even the "I will kill anyone who hurts you" scenes left me cold.
There is no internal conflict and no external conflict. Nothing really happens, and I was not invested in their relationship so even the sex scenes were tiresome. 
SpoilerWhy did we make such a big deal about the injections when there was no drawback once they stopped? I hate that this was simply a non-issue in the end and not the plot I was hoping for. On that note, I found it harder to suspend my beliefs that Seraph/Luke could have been created with just a little mix of monster DNA and be changed that much. I was hoping for an actual monster and not a human transformed into one.
I am also not a fan of the fact that Mayne keeps retelling part of previous books from a new POV without adding anything to the storyline. Or the fact how surface-level her attempts are at writing diverse characters, in this case, the queer half-Japanese protagonist - I'd wished she'd just rather not. And I could have done without "there are bad/speciest/misogynistic people in camp" for what feels like the third time.

I also did not like how Nun's character was used in the second half - entirely unnecessary and Lilac was being an ass.