A review by katleap
The Heartbreakers by Ali Novak


3 stars

I received an e-ARC copy of Rock Hard from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Heartbreakers is a light contemporary romance read. It's cute and fuffly with a little bit of angst thrown in.

The story is about Stella, who has passion for photography and a dislike of the Heartbreakers. Her sister, Cara is a big fan of this boy band called The Heartbreakers but she couldn't attend any events because she has cancer and is in the hospital. Stella and her brother Drew planned to give birthday present for their sister by going on a road trip to see The Heartbreakers and get Cara memorabilia autographed by them.

Stella meets this attractive guy on Starbucks but she didn't got his name. At the signing, she recognizes the guy. Surprise, he's actually the lead singer for the Heartbreakers, Oliver Perry. But she doesn't like him, except maybe she does?

My favorite part was the relationship between Stella and her siblings. I liked that she wanted to be part of the triplets but at the same time she wanted to be her own person. I really actually liked Drew.

Oliver and Stella were okay.