A review by tagoreketabkhane31
Kismet by Ashley James


Wow....objectively, this has to be my worst read of the year so far. Terrible pacing, incredibly cheesy dialogue, angst that could have been great (along with a forbidden relationship that could have added to it, or the second chance...which really was not a second chance). For a PhD in English, Cash cannot communicate effectively, and Stone is supposed to be a grown man who still got a position as a DEAN having only been a professor for a couple of years, and after he was a mess in Texas the first year that he was back - not to mention, that while I understand that a student teacher relationship (Stone is 32, Cash is 22 when they start their affair as Stone is married still) is something of a forbidden nature, the fact that the Dean is having a relationship with a professor didn't occur to either of them to be a red flag, given their history (before they even attempt to patch up) was bizzare.

Cash leaving during the third part of his backpacking in Europe to finish writing his first book (which is loosely based on their affair, which did NOT take place in Europe) to be used as a plot device to further keep them apart (though they still chatted -_-)

Messy - incredibly sloppy all across the board, and I am surprised because so many people hyped this book and truly I just could not get past the characters just not being rational in the throes of their insta lust.