A review by melissasfandomworld
Sleeping with Monsters by Amelia Hutchins


After months of looking forward to receiving this read, I’ve finally gotten my copy a couple of days ago when I was able to buy the book and I finished the book last night.. or this morning, however you want to call it since I was actually supposed to sleep at the time I finished it, but well.. I just couldn’t stop reading anymore – Shouldn’t surprise me either, since it’s an Amelia Hutchins book haha.

So, NOTE TO SELF: next time; plan it out so you can finish it during the day, lol. Otherwise, you’ll be a sleep deprived zombie the next day <- not to be recommended, lol.


Okay, review time!
Let me start with my remarks because unfortunately I had some and this pains me to write down since I normally don’t come across any remarks at all when it comes to a Hutchins book.

I have to say that to me, it sometimes felt like the first part of the book was a bit chaotic story-wise and it threw me off a bit in the beginning. I was so excited, maybe too excited, to read this sequel. Playing with monsters was one of my fave paranormal romance books and I had quite the expectations for this one. But some things got repeated a lot instead of progressing and that bummed me out a bit story-wise – hold into account; that’s the first part of the book though. At one point, it took off like a rollercoaster and never stopped being a rollercoaster-read.

But mostly Lucian, for example, felt ‘off’ to me at times. Lucian was so different in comparison to how he was in the first book. And it’s understandable, up to a point, given what happened in PwM and the facade he had to maintain during this one because of those events happening in book 1. But still.. I couldn’t connect with him as much as I would’ve liked in the first part of the book. I definitely missed more chapters written in his pov – there are only a couple there throughout the whole book. Not enough to my likings, lol.

But despite all that, it still remained a fast-paced read right from the start with some seriously hot sex scenes present which are so characteristic when it comes to Amelia’s liking and I LOVED IT A LOT. And the second part of the book was just freaking awesome and precisely what I was hoping to find in this read; a knock-you-on-your-ass excited, thrilling and addictive read. And boy, did she deliver towards the end.

I loved how everything developed towards the end; character-wise, story-wise and also romantically. It became such an addictive read that I just couldn’t stop reading any more until I finished the book late into the night. And it left me aching. It left me craving more - seriously; I really shouldn't be surprised anymore since it's so typically Amelia haha. Amelia was able to stop my heart at times during this read in the best way possible even though the plot twists weren't as shocking to me as in her prior books.

So even though it had a bumpy start, it turned out, yet again, to be a rollercoaster ride towards the end; one I'm always assured of when I read an Amelia Hutchins book, so freaking good and intense! Overall, I think it’s a good follow up to the first book, even though I had some remarks on the first part of the book and the fact that there were not a lot of plot twists present that I didn't see coming, and it’s a really great build-up to the next one <- THAT ENDING!!!!!

In the end, I rate it with 3.5 stars! And I hate it so much that I can't rate a book with half stars over here on Goodreads because now it looks like it's just okayish with 3 stars, but to me it was still a great read though! But I just can't rate it any higher than that - like upping it to 4 stars - because of the first part of the book and the fact that it overall didn't really have plot twists present I didn't see coming unfortunately.