A review by megerxo
Across the Aisle by Stephanie Vance


Dallas and Grant work for different organisations working on opposite sides trying to pass/amend a bill through the US government. The story gives you background on their past relationships and dreams, and takes you on a journey of them figuring out where they should be to do what they both want to do: make the world a better place. They are both attracted to each other but don't want to show any weakness to allow their competition (each other) the upper hand. The two main characters Dallas & Grant were fun to read about. I liked her determination and drive, I liked how much he really cared about what he was trying to do

I struggled a little at the beginning with all the bits about how the American government operates (being from the UK!), I understood most of it but it did feel a little dry at times. However, towards the end I really enjoyed the story and seeing their relationships develop. I think all the characters were well developed & likeable, I laughed at the scheming of the best friends to make Grant & Dallas see sense.

Overall an enjoyable read