A review by amyiw
Shark Bite by Naomi Lucas


3 1/2 - Audible Escape
This was pretty good though there is a cliffhanger epilogue for the sister that doesn't affect the main couple and doesn't get answered until book 6. It is scifi rom fluff and for that it reads pretty easily as a out of space romance. These cyborgs aren't the typical cyborgs as they have animal DNA and "shift" though not quite like shifters either as it is all metal and a bit strange but different for all of that. In this one he is a shark shifter and is coming back to a planet he helped secure to make safe for the population to mine the oceans. Something is wrong with the oceans and the stones that are being mined are not clear crystal as they should be.

Riley has grown up on this world and the business her father runs has been seeing hard times with the quality of the stones going down. They agree to take help from the cyborgs in return for exclusive rights to buy the stone. They don't say that there is no quality stones so the rights aren't worth anything. For Netto, a shark shifter, he doesn't really care about the profit as he is too intrigued with Riley. Neither have been with a boyfriend or girlfriend before and neither really knows how to interact with people or each other. It was nice to see them admit who they are and their feelings.