A review by pixiejazz
Darkest Hour (Battle Ground #3) by Rachel Churcher


First things first: I adore this series. It absolutely angers me sometimes, but I love it.

Darkest Hour is book three, so if you haven't read the first two, get on that ASAP. Trust me. You'll want to read them because they're awesome.

In this one, Bex and her friends are in hiding, considered refuges, and have to do whatever it takes to stay safe. Ketty and Bracken, on the other hand, are working with Brigadier Lee and the other nefarious government people to try and bring Bex and the others in. Will either group succeed in their goal?

I have to say, this book made me so mad. I despised Ketty. She was even nastier in this book than the previous ones. Her actions disgusted me at times.

I hated how Bracken just seemed to drown himself with whisky instead of standing up for himself and Ketty when needed.

I hated Brigadier Lee and all his minions. They're the absolute worst.

And there was one character I thought was going to stay good, but they ended up doing something awful, and I ended up hating them too.

There was a lot of emotion in Darkest Hour. Bex just continuously got the short end of the stick, and I felt really bad for her. She's so kind and caring, and she wants to do the right thing, even if she knows it'll put her in danger. That's what I like about her.

And Bex's mom? She was pretty amazing. That woman is resilient and strong.

There was a moment near the end where Bracken had an epiphany, and I sort of screamed, "Finally!" It only took him forever to realize something. And when Ketty realizes it too, it made me wonder how the rest of the series would play out.

I can't wait for books four and five. So excited to read them!

5 stars!